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About us

JBJ Partners was born in 2016, from the perception of the partners of KC&D, a Brazilian business consultancy company operating successfully since 2005, that there is an increasingly qualified audience, willing to internationalize and undertake their business in the United States and in Europe.


Creating a network of partners who have more than 10 years of experience in the North American and European markets, JBJ Partners was born with the mission of helping these companies to be successful in their activities in international territory.


To do this, we look for the best professionals and partners, in their respective areas of activity, and who share our values: focus on customer needs and excellence, personalized service, commitment to results, transparency and ethics

Why choose JBJ Partners?


Commitment to delivering quality work.


Detailed research specific to each client.


Highly qualified team.


Delivery within the agreed deadline.


Service in languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.


Specialized knowledge in immigration processes

Our team

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Jorge Botrel

Business Administrator from FEA-USP with extension from the University of Turku (Finland), with an Executive MBA in Finance from Insper and specialization in Sales and Strategy from Harvard Business School (USA). Before working as a consultant, he worked for 17 years in executive positions in the Commercial, Marketing and Sales Planning and Operations areas, in companies such as Credicard, Vivo and Nextel, where he was the National Commercial Director, with a sales team of more than 2000 sellers across the country, focused on both B2B and B2C. Participated in the planning and execution of sales plans with annual growth above 20%, development of sales channel segmentation strategies, alignment of operational and strategic performance indicators and launch of products and services. It has been operating on the Miami - São Paulo bridge since 2015, helping clients who wish to establish a business in the United States, as well as supporting them in obtaining their respective residence visas.


David Kallas

He has a doctorate in strategy from FGV – EAESP, a master's degree in Business Policy and Corporate Economics and a degree in administration from the University of São Paulo (FEA/USP), with an extension at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. He has been working in business management since 1994, working with strategy, performance evaluation and processes in large, medium and small companies (including start-ups) in Brazil and Latin America, operating in different market segments. He is a professor at Insper, FIPECAFI, FGV, HSM Educação, Fundação Dom Cabral and Saint Paul. He is Executive Director of Anefac - National Association of Finance, Administration and Accounting Executives. He has articles published in national and international magazines and events. He is co-organizer of the book Management of Strategy: Experiences and Lessons of Brazilian Companies (Ed. Campus, 2005) and author of a chapter in the book Executive MBA (Saraiva, 2008).

Gustavo Buoro

Master and graduate in Administration from the University of São Paulo (FEA/USP), he also has an MBA in Financial Management, Controlling and Auditing from FGV, and further training at New York University and the New York Institute of Finance. Professional with 15 years of experience, he participated in consultancy projects in the areas of strategy and process management in healthcare, services, information technology, industry and capital goods companies. He also worked in renowned organizations in the areas of Finance and Strategic Planning, becoming business controller of a national company in the food sector. He is also a professor at the Saint Paul Business School.


Flavia Ribeiro

Certified PMP – Project Management Professional with a postgraduate degree in Business Management in Services from Universidade Mackenzie and a degree in Administration. Insper professor in Executive education courses, Ibmec MBA and BBS postgraduate courses. Participated in projects in the areas of strategic planning, balanced scorecard, process redesign and business plan construction in companies in the pharmaceutical, health, insurance, advertising and advertising agencies, capital goods and retail segments. He also worked in large organizations in the areas of marketing and executive education. Participated in the technical review of the book Alinhamento, by Kaplan & Norton (Ed. Campus, 2006), from the book Straight to the Point Strategy, by David McKean and develops technical opinions on works related to the themes of strategy, planning and management and projects.


Paola Irribarra

More than 16 years working as a Senior Paralegal, Immigration Specialist and Business Development in the USA.
Holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Florida International University (FIU).
Responsible for managing clients and monitoring projects. Has in-depth knowledge of the Florida business environment. Fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. It is based in the US office.



Elke Bürgers

Master and graduated in Administration from FEA-USP, with a specialization in Strategic People Management from FIA, Strategic Cost Management from FGV, and an MBA in Digital Marketing Management.

Experience in large corporations in different segments, such as metallurgy, entertainment and technology, in startups and consultancies, working on the development of new businesses and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). It is based in Brazil.

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Isabela Leite

Graduated from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in Advertising, she also studied Digital Design in Sydney, Australia. He has diverse experience in creative design and strategic marketing. Its expertise covers various industries, such as cosmetics, health, industrial, construction, as well as advertising agencies. Developed and successfully executed comprehensive marketing strategies that drove sales, increased brand awareness, engagement and business growth.

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Debora Ariki

Executiva com mais de 15 anos de experiência em grandes multinacionais como Volkswagen, Nextel Brasil e Vodafone, onde foi Diretora de Marketing, com grande experiência nas áreas de Planejamento Estratégico, Planejamento de Vendas  e Operações. Formada em Administração de Empresas pela PUC de SP, MBA pela FGV em São Paulo e especialização em Liderança e Negócio pelo Seneca College – Toronto, Canadá.

Atua nas áreas de Business Consulting, BPO e Marketing. Fluente em inglês, espanhol e português. Está baseada no escritório do Brasil.

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